Train With Me

One-on-One Training

One-on-one training is perfect if you have a particular goal in mind or even if you just like the individualized attention. We’ll first sit together and talk about what you want to accomplish in your training, then I’ll set up a plan for you and we’ll go from there!

Small Group Training

Want to train with your significant other or a group of friends…but don’t want the hassle of going to a studio or gym? Come hang out with me for some small group training! This can be any group between 2 and 10 people. Just like one-on-one training, we’ll talk about some goals for the group and make a plan to get there.

At Home or The Gym

Whether you’re a gym bunny or someone who hates the very sight of a gym, we’ll find the perfect place to train. Many of my students enjoy training outdoors – and this is especially fun to do with bodyweight training and calisthenics. No matter what your preferred location is for working out, we’ll make it super fun and challenging!